Business Continuity during COVID-19

Business Continuity during COVID-19

Posted by on March 17th, 2020

In light of the outbreak of COVID-19 businesses across the world are focused on ensuring the continuity of their services. As a business-critical supplier to so many organisations, we have provided the information below to highlight the steps we have taken to minimise and mitigate any potential disruption.

FireText Team

FireText Welcomes Alannah!

Posted by on October 14th, 2019

FireText is extremely happy to announce that we have a new addition to our Customer Support team, Alannah Blount. We have taken the opportunity to quiz Alannah and who better to share it with than the customers she will be chatting to!

Is SMS marketing effective?

Is SMS text message marketing effective?

Posted by on April 29th, 2019

The overwhelming feeling is common when deciding on the channels best suited for your business and target audience. However, I’m sure we can all agree that more often than not our mobile will be the first thing that we reach for in the morning and the last thing we put down in the evening.

FireText & Brexit Statement

FireText and Brexit – We’ve got you covered!

Posted by on February 28th, 2019

FireText recognise that as Brexit unfolds, our customers and partners may wish to seek reassurances that we have mitigated against risks to the continuity of our services. We would like to take this opportunity to provide reassurances here.

New SMS feature: Emoji

New Feature: Emojis are here

Posted by on February 18th, 2019

Want to add some character to your SMS messages? Well look no further FireText are pleased to be launching a new feature, to add a bit of extra fun – Emojis are here!

SMS Auto Top UP Feature

New Feature: Auto Top Up!

Posted by on February 7th, 2019

FireText is pleased to announce that we have been working hard to continue to make our platform awesome for you, going into 2019. Our team are constantly working on expanding our features list and improving the app to make sure your experience is both easy, efficient and effective.

DVLA code challenge

DVLA Code Challenge: The Results

Posted by on January 14th, 2019

FireText were recently a part of the DVLA Code challenge, as advocate sponsors to the event. The challenge had six themes to choose from, all of which revolved around social and environmental situations.

dvla code challenge

FireText sponsors 2018 DVLA Code Challenge

Posted by on October 31st, 2018

We are super excited to announce that we are sponsoring the DVLA Code Challenge. The challenge offers children the chance to win thousands of pounds of IT equipment for their schools as well as the opportunity to develop essential skills in problem-solving, communication and teamwork.