Our Privacy Updates

We’ve made some updates to our Privacy Policy

Posted by on April 13th, 2018

To ensure you continue to have a great experience with FireText, we have made some updates to our Privacy Policy. We encourage you to read the full updated policy, but have highlighted below some of the changes.

First Hack Event

How we made our first hack event a big success!

Posted by on January 30th, 2018

The FireText team wanted to try something a little different to the day-to-day last month and so we put together a two day hack event for the entire team, it was a huge success and we wanted to share our experience with you. 

Recruitment SMS Made Easy With FireText and itris

Posted by on September 8th, 2017

We integrate really nicely with others which is why we’ve been lucky enough to make many friends over the years. From time to time we want to introduce them to you which is why we thought it was the perfect time to tell you a little more about our friends over at itris.

Add SMS Message Extensions to your Google Adwords

Posted by on December 19th, 2016

We already know that our smartphones are the first place we turn to for communication or to search for info and now the clever chaps over at Google have found yet another way to combine the two. If you’re using AdWords for your business, you’ll love this new extension which allows you to receive text […]

FireText Meet Firefish…

Posted by on June 6th, 2016

The moment we met with the team over at Firefish software, a recruitment marketing platform, we knew that we were meant to work together!

Schedule Text Messages via Zapier!

Posted by on May 18th, 2016

We’ve made an exciting update to our Zapier integration…not only can you trigger a message to be sent to a customer you can now also schedule the messages to be sent at a future time and date meaning automation just got super-clever!

Tech Corner: What is the TLS v1.2 Upgrade?

Posted by on April 19th, 2016

You may have heard of internet vulnerabilities like POODLE or HEARTBLEED in the press. It’s these type of exploits that have urged the PCI Council to mandate all websites and applications away from TLS v1.0.