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Case study: CoppaFeel! uses FireText to empower the nation to check their chests

Posted by in FireText's Wonderful Customers on December 15th, 2023

CoppaFeel! is the first breast cancer charity in the UK to solely create awareness amongst young people. They educate, encourage and empower 18-35-year-olds to get to know their bodies. We interviewed Sophie Kirby, Health & Services Manager at CoppaFeel! on how they use FireText to remind over 120,000 people (and counting) to check their chests […]

Case study: Love Hemp

Posted by in FireText's Wonderful Customers on July 17th, 2023

Love Hemp is the UK’s leading supplier of CBD and hemp products. With a mission to educate their audience, Love Hemp takes a holistic approach to health and wellbeing – promoting the benefits of CBD alongside everything from yoga and meditation to diet and hydration. They came to FireText from another SMS provider and instantly […]

Featured image for new contact uploader

Platform update: Silky smooth CSV upload

Posted by in News & Buzz on June 15th, 2023

We never rest on our laurels here at FireText. We’ve made some tweaks to keep evolving the platform and make it even smoother. For seasoned professionals, the changes are seamless and integrate with your current flow.

How to stop Excel from changing your mobile numbers

Posted by in How To on June 9th, 2023

Have you ever entered mobile numbers into Excel only for them to be converted into a strange E+ format? It can be pretty frustrating, especially when you’re working with large sets of data. Here, we explain how to prevent the old E+ conundrum from happening.

How to reduce no-shows - example hospitality message

How to reduce no-show bookings

Posted by in How To on June 5th, 2023

Nobody wants a no-show. Us FireText-ers have jotted down tried and tested ways to reduce no-shows. Spoiler: it includes our trusty friend, the SMS message, and some inspiring content examples.


SMS sender IDs: your options explained

Posted by in SMS Tips & Tricks on May 2nd, 2023

Ever notice the name or number at the top of a text message? This is called a sender ID. When you’re sending business SMS, you have two sender ID options: to send from your brand name or from what we call a reply number. Here, we explain when, why and how to use them.