7 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Your Text Message Marketing Efforts

Posted by in SMS Tips & Tricks on June 15th, 2015

In recent years, text message marketing has become a widely used tool for businesses. SMS offers typically have a very high open rate and redemption rate, but some campaigns are more successful than others. Certain pitfalls can have a negative impact on your mobile marketing campaign. Here are seven common mistakes to avoid when creating […]

SMS Marketing: An Eco-Friendly Approach to Reaching More Customers

Posted by in News & Buzz, Weird World of SMS on June 4th, 2015

As more people have become concerned with the impact that humans have on the environment, many businesses have begun implementing more eco-friendly practices. Going green can benefit your business in a few different ways. Not only does it help to reduce your environmental impact, it may also help you connect with more eco-conscious customers. Marketing […]

6 Tips for Writing More Effective Text Marketing Messages

Posted by in SMS Tips & Tricks on May 27th, 2015

If done right, text message marketing can be a simple way to expand your reach and get more people to champion your business. However, to fully capitalise on this marketing channel, it’s important to create effective messages that encourage potential customers to take action. By employing the following six tips, you can ensure that you create […]

Everything You Need to Know about Using Keywords in SMS Marketing

Posted by in SMS Tips & Tricks on May 14th, 2015

Keywords are most often associated with digital marketing, especially with search engine optimization in blogging and website development. They also play a key role in getting the most out of SMS marketing, even if companies may not immediately associate the term with text messaging. To best benefit from using keywords in your company’s text messaging […]

3 Steps to Creating Email Newsletter Content your Readers Will Love

Posted by in Uncategorized on May 11th, 2015

You’re using email marketing and you’re seeing great results. People are opening, you’re getting clicks, and you’re hearing some really positive feedback from the people on your list. But there’s a problem — coming up with content ideas for your email newsletter is starting to take a toll. You’re busier than ever and can’t afford […]

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