QR Code vs SMS - Brickwall

How SMS Keywords Could Avoid Some Basic QR Code Fails

Posted by in Weird World of SMS on July 9th, 2014

At FireText we have our finger on the pulse of mobile marketing so that we can accurately advise you, our dear customers, on the best times to use SMS – and help you to avoid any blunders. In this post, we bring you 3 light-hearted QR code attempts that sadly hit brick walls and explain […]

Fill Vacancies Fast With SMS

Posted by in SMS Tips & Tricks on June 25th, 2014

As a busy recruitment specialist, you probably spend lots of time on the phone to candidates updating them on their application and reminding them about interview details. If you have to do this for every candidate (and every vacancy) this can end up taking over your day! SMS messages can dramatically increase the speed that […]

Marketing Mix Cake

Using SMS Text Marketing in Your Marketing Mix

Posted by in SMS Tips & Tricks on June 19th, 2014

FireText is packed full of exciting features, all of which can individually contribute to boosting your marketing campaign and increasing value for the customer. With so many exciting features there might be some you are unaware of. Are you using text marketing to its full potential?

How to Increase Customer Loyalty With SMS Marketing

Posted by in SMS Tips & Tricks on May 28th, 2014

With mobile phones becoming ever more sophisticated there has been a change in customer behaviour that businesses must be aware of. Mobile phones have become, not just a communications device, but a personal hub of information; an essential tool to daily life with calendars, alarms, photographs, social media and much more. Did you know that […]

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