
What makes the perfect SMS Marketing Campaign?

Posted by in SMS Tips & Tricks on September 4th, 2020

SMS marketing campaigns are the perfect way for businesses to have instant direct communication with their customers. There are several aspects to ensuring your campaigns are effective, ranging from the content of your messages, the recipients and the time you choose to send out your text.

branded SMS Vanity URL

FireText’s SMS Branded URL!

Posted by in SMS Tips & Tricks on July 30th, 2020

The FireText SMS Platform is packed with awesome features, that we are continuously developing in order to ensure your business can get the most out of your SMS campaigns. As a company, we believe personalisation is the key to a successful campaign as it ensures you’re engaging with your customers and standing out from competitors.

track and trace with sms

Easy Track and Trace with FireText SMS

Posted by in SMS Tips & Tricks on June 26th, 2020

Slowly our world has started returning to normality, after spending several months in the unknown, the Government has finally given the go-ahead for the hospitality industry to open its doors to the public. However, despite the relief and excitement of the lockdown beginning to lift, safety measures are still a high priority.

sms marketing for gyms

Using SMS for gyms during COVID

Posted by in SMS Tips & Tricks on June 25th, 2020

Little by little the UK is easing its lockdown, however, plans around when gyms will be able to re-open remain vague. Although we may not know when people can re-enter, you could look to use SMS to help continue to engage with your customers.

SMS Marketing can help Retail recover from COVID19

SMS Marketing for retailers post COVID

Posted by in SMS Tips & Tricks on June 5th, 2020

Whoop, whoop we are now into the final countdown for when shops are able to re-open! So, here at FireText, we thought it would be helpful to put together some ideas of how SMS messaging could be utilised by retailers when their shop doors re-open again.

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