What is Bulk SMS?

With SMS sending, continuously expanding and becoming one of the most used communication platforms, there are lots of questions surrounding what it can actually do, and how it can enhance your business.

Bulk SMS messaging is a feature that allows you to send out a mass message directly to the individual’s handset. Therefore allowing businesses to instantly connect with their audience, on a more personal level.

Bulk SMS marketing has become one of the most cost-effective communication platforms whether you are sending out marketing messages, using it for your customer support or sending out informational messages to staff. It is an efficient process, which takes very little time and once written the messages are sent out instantly.

Who can use bulk SMS?

No matter how small or big your campaign is, bulk SMS could be the perfect solution for any business – communication is crucial, and SMS is instant and the most likely to be read.

Whether you are sending directly from the app, via the API or email to SMS you can utilise bulk SMS for that extra communication push to share your awesome news!

It is perfect for the time-bound campaigns where you are pushing for the last bit of publicity and need an instant response, that is both efficient and cost-effective. For example, if you’re a retail store and you’re launching a new clothing line, you can instantly send out a promotional message in a matter of minutes to your whole contact base. The message will be sent directly to their handset, and in this day and age, where someone’s phone is never more than a metre out of reach, you can almost be certain they will see it.

Your business could also take advantage of a simple communication platform, like FireText, to inform staff and contractors in real-time. For example, it could be the perfect tool for when your business is undergoing some system changes or updates, which may result in the site going down temporarily. You can send out a message to all those who may be affected warning them of the changes.

Maybe, you are a school or club which is having to close last minute due to heavy snow. Sending out a quick text message is not only both time and cost effective but it will be sent to the device directly and will avoid parents or caregivers being left in the dark about any sudden changes.

These are just a few of the ways you can utilise Bulk SMS for your business. SMS could become your perfect communication platform to send out both marketing messages as well as improving your customer communications. Get in touch with one of our SMS experts today to have a chat and see how you can utilise SMS.

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