Engage with SMS
Shortcode & Keywords

Awesome for SMS lead generation, customer segmentation and opt ins, the benefits of keywords are endless! Set up your own keyword on 82228 or a FireText reply number.

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Sit back & watch your

SMS leads roll in

A keyword on our shortcode, 82228, is an easy way for customers to interact with your brand.

You may have an instant offer you'd like to send in return for collecting a mobile contact - this is easy with FireText keywords. Set up a new keyword and advertise it wherever you like to grow your mobile list.

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Make it smooth sailing

with auto-responses

Set up an auto-response, so when a lead texts in your keyword to 82228, they receive a real-time response. Whether it's a discount code or a glimpse of what to expect from signing up, start the journey right with a memorable auto-response.

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Segment audiences

with a reply number

Set up as many keywords as you like on a FireText reply number. When a customer texts in with a specific keyword, they're added to a group of your choosing, allowing you to gather data, follow up with targeted messages and boost revenue with incentives.

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Ask the SMS marketing experts (that's us!)

There's more to an SMS platform than just sending texts. We support you with our years of SMS experience - from showing you the right tools to giving you personal content recommendations. Let's chat - ask us about keywords and beyond :)

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Create a smooth customer experience

No hidden fees, just features to make managing your campaigns simple.

Receive inbound alerts

Enable ‘forwarding' on your keywords to receive inbound email alerts when someone texts in. Easy peasy.

Set up auto-responses

When someone texts your keyword, you can set it up so they receive an auto-response. This gives them reassurance.

Contacts added to groups

When leads text in your dedicated keyword, they're automatically added to a contact group of your choosing.

A simple platform, with powerful results

Created people for people to easily use! FireText is so easy to use, you can focus on creating awesome content and for your contacts.

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Start generating leads in no time...

A platform designed to be intuitive for busy business people like you. From signing up to uploading your contacts, setting up is super smooth.


Signing up is easy

Pop in a few basic details to get started with a free trial account - no contract or credit card required.


Await verification

As a trusted provider for the NHS and GOV, we manually verify every account to ensure a safe platform for all.


We'll set you up!

Your new account manager will email you, ready to chat about how you can get the best out of FireText.

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Let's chat!

Our lovely SMS experts are always here on standby.


Email us at hello@firetext.co.uk

More Awesome Features

Check 'em out or sign up and play for real.

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