SMS for Eventbrite

Import your Eventbrite attendee list into FireText in seconds.

Eventbrite SMS Groups

Boost Attendance & Excitement!

Excite your attendees with Eventbrite & FireText SMS. A pre-event message can boost attendance, inform your guests and demonstrate brilliant customer service.

Messages including a venue, time and even a map will makes things that little easier for your attendees. FireText are here to help give your messages some personality and make your event a stand-out success!

Upload Eventbrite SMS Contacts

Add contacts instantly

Simply connect to your Eventbrite account and import your contacts for any of your events in seconds.

To get started, you'll need a FireText SMS account and one for Eventbrite too

Eventbrite SMS Integration

Integrate Seamlessly with Eventbrite

SMS is an extremely effective tool for event managers to maximize attendance and keep delegates reliably informed.

View more information about hooking up to Eventbrite here

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